KINGPIN WALKTHROUGH Reviewed PCZ #77 Score 92% Kingpin is the most fun you can have with a crowbar, but it can prove tricky. Here's Mark Hill's step-by-step guide to becoming king of the pin SKID ROW Smash the fence boards, go down the steps and collect the pistol and ammo. Walk until you find Leroy and the woman beneath the first set of stairs, kill them, collect the cash and buy the crowbar from the fat guy. Go to the warehouse. Wait until the radio distracts the guards then kill the guy by the safe, take the whisky, the flashlight and the money. Smash the box and vent, go through to storeroom A, kill the guard and move the crates until you can reach the upper vent. SEWERS Take the sewer to the right and keep walking until you find the storeroom. Kill everyone inside, take the goodies and move the crate to reach the shotgun on the shelf. Find your way through the sewers to the stairs leading up, and get out. THE SUPER Leave the sewer by the first-right exit, kill the man and his rabid dog and take his watch. Pay to get into the bar and talk to the fat bloke in the bathroom who gives you a key in exchange for the watch. Leave the bar and head to the tall building (you can find it by going straight ahead at the beginning of the map). Go through the roof access door and climb to level four, then walk across the plank to the other roof. Use the key to get into a small storeroom, climb the boxes and smash the vent to get through to the three thugs you saw arguing in the earlier cut-scene. Kill them and turn right down the corridor to find some money in a fridge in one of the rooms. Head towards the exit sign at the end of the corridor, smash the boards and open the door. MEAN STREETS Jump down the broken staircase, go through the only door that opens and enter the other building further down the alley. Inside, take the door to the left at the end of the corridor, climb the stairs, go through the window on the right-hand side and walk round the ledge to the other window. Activate the switch in the room, jump back out, re-enter the building and go through the door the switch has just unlocked. Walk down until you kill a dog, smash the boards on the window and jump through. Enter the door in the fence, walk into the wooden house and through the door. THE JESUS Shoot every poor canine in sight until you come to an open junkyard full of stacked cars. Jump to the top of the last pile on the right to find a battery. Now make your way back to the garage next to the bar, shifting a healthy number of overweight goodfellas while you're at it. Jump onto the motorbike and watch yourself do a cool wheelie. POISONVILLE Get into Club Swank round the back and talk to Louie (the fat bloke upstairs). Choose one of the safe-crackers (Fingers is the sneaky one while Buster is the demolitions expert) and go to the safe. You need to go up in the lift, through a courtyard, past a power generator and up and down the stairs till you find it. It's important to look after your safe-cracker: the best thing to do is tell him to wait in a safe place, go ahead and kill everyone and come back for him. Find the key to the power generator in the safe room. Tell your henchman to wait there while you go to the electric room (close to the power generator) and turn off the switch to deactivate the electric fence around the safe. Back in the safe room, press 'Q' on the cracker and then 'F' on the safe. Once your safe-cracker has done his bit, collect the papers and return them to Louie in the bar. Get the key from him, hire some more people if you want, and make your way to the production facility round the back of the bar. BLANCO INDUSTRIES Smash through the first air vent you see to take you to the small storeroom where you find two fuses. Make your way round the level until you find a big pump, and insert the fuses in the two panels by its side. The acid will be drained from where you started the level. Down there you find the corpse who had been sleeping with the fishes (acid-resistant fishes, of course) and take the key. This opens the door next to the newly acid-filled vault. Press the switch inside for a bridge which takes you across the acid. Press a small red switch to go up another lift. Press another switch, go down to the pool of acid and jump to the other side. Make your way to the end of the level, where a flame-throwing boss awaits. LIZZIE'S PROBLEM Jump in the water to find a stiff wearing the proverbial concrete footwear and hit him with the crowbar until you get the key. Climb up the ladders following the signs to the bar and use the key to get into the building opposite. In the bar, go to the bathroom and get a key from one of Willie's thugs. He then follows you to find Lizzie, who's in the warehouse at the start of the level. Use the key to get in and take her head. Show it to Willie in the toilet, who gives you another key and joins your party. Use this key to open the door near the ladders. PIER PRESSURE Couldn't be simpler. Keep going past the truck, through the doors and up the stairs until you reach a big ship (Das Boot). Kill everyone in sight, as usual, and a door opens. You know what to do with it. DAS BOOT Another simple one, if you're tough enough. Get into the engine room by using the oil can from the storage room on the door. If you're wondering why there's so much armour lying about, it's because you'll need it. Another boss awaits at the end. Which is nice. STEEL TOWN Talk to the bartender in the boiler room, who then sends you on a mission to get her kidnapped brother. Go out and keep walking until you can open a door (marked 'Moker's Steel'). Keep going until you come to a vat of lava, which you need to raise by pressing the red switch next to it. It's the usual massacre until you come to David, an unarmed bloke in a small room. Go back to the bar (it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies) and get the key from the barmaid. Use it to get into the office (another steel door marked 'Moker'). Go downstairs, blow up the barrels to smash down the walkway and jump over the lava vat. MOKER SHIPPING Couldn't be more straightforward - get in there and kill the boss. This one's armed with a rocket launcher, so don't stand still for a second. DERAILED This one actually has a puzzle element. Use the valve handle in between the last carriage and the one next to it. This detaches it, clearing the way down the tunnel. Go down it until you find a spare handle. Head back and go through the valve-activated doors through the sewers until you find a valve with no wheel on it. Use the one you found and go through the East D51 door below you. DARK PASSAGE Go down the tunnel and climb up the two sets of ladders. Go left across the bridge, run into a crevice if the train comes and jump out into the water at the other side. Climb up, move the crate to climb up the ladders and make your way through by activating switches. TRAIN YARDS Go up to the train control booth and move the switch on the right to open a tunnel you can go through. Enter one of the doors on the left, climb up the ladder and activate the switch on the right. Go back out and through the doors directly ahead which you can now open. RADIO CITY STATION Go up the escalator and talk to the two tough guys. They let you join their gang if you kill three idiots down in the sewers with nothing but your crowbar. Go left from the escalator and into a room. Press the little blue button to let you into the sewers. Be careful with the train. You can use a pistol with a silencer instead of a crowbar as it makes the same amount of noise. Once you've killed all three, make your way back to the gang who joins you. Go up the stairs to the right from the elevators. ENTER THE DRAGONS Walk round the street, keeping to the right until you come to a dead end with three fire escape ladders. Take the one furthest away, climb onto the railing at the top and then onto the roof of the building. Keep walking until you come to a fork. Go down the right until you see a switch on the wall and use it, then go back and head down the left along the catwalks. You can go through the door the switch has just opened. Walk to the end of the bridge, activate the switch, jump down to the street and go through the newly opened door. STREETS OF FIRE Watch out for the guy shooting from above. Take everyone out and walk to the end of the street past Hopper's Café Bar. Go through the door, climb upstairs to the roof and go up the billboard ladder. Jump to the higher roof and then across onto the balcony on the other side of the street through the bit where the railing is missing. Go to the left until you come to a water tower. Jump down to a platform with a switch on it and activate it. Cross the bridge that comes down and carry on to the left until you find an elevator. SKYTRAM STATION Go down the tunnel to your right and climb the first stairs you come to. Keep going until you come to the Typhoon Bar. At the back of the bar there's a bloke selling tram tickets for $50. Buy one and head back out. Go past the phone booth (answering the phone brings a nasty surprise). Use the ticket to get past the door, jump onto the railing and from there into the tunnel. CENTRAL TOWERS Kill everybody in front of the Central Towers doors to get in. The first of the final bosses is waiting inside. Press the lift buttons and enter the right one when it opens. Do the Rambo impression again and enter the left lift. Kill the dog behind the bars. The stairs on the left lead to loads of ammo and armour, so stock up before going down the right set of stairs. Mow down the waves of suited thugs and various Rottweilers. Now it's time for the big one. The woman is impossible to kill, so just concentrate on the Kingpin. Once he's dead she escapes and the city is yours. Result!